Getting a Boot to the Butt

I’m not really a New Years’s resolution sort of person. Somewhere, sometime, I read an article that said you shouldn’t try to make life changes on certain days–new year’s, Mondays, the first day of a month–because you tend to build up too much anticipation and are more likely to fail.

Plus, trying to make more than one change at a time can be overwhelming.

That being said, I am embarking on something new. The new year thing is pure coincidence.

I have signed up for a 6-week, 6 day-a-week boot camp challenge at the gym. It’s at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 9:30 a.m. on Saturdays. (Sundays are for passing out on the couch with a good book.)

Reactions from others tend to range from “…why?” to “Good for you!”

I try to take that last one for encouragement and not a subtle note about me being a lazy ass. Though, admittedly, that was a major driving reason for signing up, in the end. Have you ever noticed that, the less you move, the less motivated you are to move?

Yeah, I was getting pretty immobile. I spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer, after all. And a lot of time reading. 

I’m not sure why gyms have “boot camps.” I guess it’s probably supposed to call back to military boot camps, to the idea that military people tend to be in excellent shape. I’m pretty sure they’re not actually that similar. I think you probably go for longer than an hour at real boot camp, and there’s probably more crawling through the mud and climbing walls, as so television has taught me.

We’re in the middle of week 2. I am surviving.

It’s interesting being so immersed in an exercise program. There’s 10 of us in the challenge, and the intenseness of the program gives us lots to bond over (aching muscles, our hatred of running, why we’re exercising at 6 a.m.). And even though it’s only been a little over a week, I’m definitely seeing changes, both in my appearance and my stamina.

In the interest of conversation, have you picked up something new for the new year? Are you thinking of trying something new soon?

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