That Time of Year

Oh, friends, we all have times of the year that are busier than others, don’t we?

Well, this is mine. May and June–yikes. It’s almost worse than the Christmas/New Year cusp (and might be worse in some ways).

Spring doesn’t really get here til May, so all season-switching things have to be done–the sprinklers, the trees, planting of gardens, digging out the lawn mower, fixing any damage that winter hath wrought, etc. I have a dead pine tree in the backyard that’s half cut down (the yard guy’s chainsaw broke when he was here on Thursday, and I’ve yet to hear from him again), the dog has eaten a full three saplings (the dangers of puppies you didn’t know about), the mulch we bought for the garden is full of nails (!!!), and other sundries.

(Just…don’t have a yard. It’s probably for the best.)

(Also I hate rabbits and if they don’t stop eating my flax I am going into the holly bush after them, so help me.)

Plus there’s the school stuff–one school year finishing up, so there’s end of year things like collecting friends’ contact info for potential summer get-togethers, getting teacher presents together (oops, deadline is tomorrow, so…), planning “school” birthdays for summer birthdays, finishing up volunteer commitments–and the next school year needing prep, like medical forms and immunizations being submitted, confirming intent to enroll, etc. (Also there’s the end of the year stir-crazies, which are horrible and makes me just want to put everyone outside forever, but then they built a zipline so that’s untenable.)



My least favorite season on the year. There’s summer camps needing things (one I have submitted the paperwork to multiple times and am still getting emails about, and despite repeated phone calls, no one can tell me if the paperwork is properly submitted or not), there’s summer vacations to plan (apparently bear spray is a real thing that one should have?), there’s BBQs and family get togethers and graduations and weddings (my cousin is getting married on Thursday and I should get him a wedding present even though I am not going and is he even registered anywhere? aaaaahhhh) and and and etc. etc. etc., et al.

Also, there is this GDPR thing happening and I need to GET ON THAT. (And if you have a blog/website/email list, you should look at it as well.)

ANYWAY. What does this boil down to?

(Oh, man, I need to register people for sports…)

A lot of coffee, mostly, and not a lot of writing. But the end is in sight! …at the end of June.

How are you guys doing?

One Comment:

  1. Hugs, Kit. That sounds not only busier than busy but also stressful. Summer is also my least favorite month b/c of the heat. I cannot function in high temperatures. And there’s camping, which I actually love, but man, the prep is nuts and again, the possibly of really hot weather.

    So mine won’t be as busy as yours.

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming….

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