Fits and Starts

Did you know that writers are not just brains-in-a-jar? We actually have bodies. I know, I’m shocked too.

It turns out that bodies have needs. I’m fairly good at remembering to feed, water, and rest mine (mostly because I turn into a giant grump if I don’t). Moving is harder (see this Awkward Yeti comic). I’m currently trying to establish a daily yoga habit…again. Here’s how it has been going:

Last fall/winter: Okay, I can’t stand inaction anymore. It’s too painful (literally). I have to make a lifestyle change.

January: Did a “30 Days of Yoga” challenge. It took me slightly longer than 30 days because I missed one here and there, but I was pretty consistent and finished within an extra week or so. It felt great! I was less creaky and sore! More flexible! Yay!

February: 30 days is over and I feel much better. Now to keep it up! But I don’t have the challenge to guide me anymore. I have to make up my own yoga practices (or at least make decisions about which online yoga video to follow). This is hard.

March: Down to once or twice a week…maybe. But I still feel a lot more limber. Now I don’t have to do yoga ever again!

June: I’m getting kinda creaky. Better pick it up again. Once or twice a week will be enough, right?

July: No it will not. Ow.

August: 30-day challenge, here I come again! OOPS, I got too enthusiastic. Ow.

And so it goes.

Does this sound familiar? Well…

I’ve written here before about my struggles with writer’s block. I stay stalled out until I can’t stand it anymore. Then I start making headway (this is the stage I am in right now, by the way). Then there’s a setback. Then I make more headway and maybe chug along happily for a while and even establish a habit. Then something makes the habit go poof and I’m back to square one. Rinse and repeat.

I think the lessons are these:

  • Progress isn’t linear. That doesn’t mean it isn’t progress.
  • Patterns repeat across different areas of one’s life. Knowing that can be a powerful tool.
  • The most important skill to cultivate is the skill of starting, over and over again.

Before I sat down to write this, I got on the mat and did 15 minutes of yoga (would have been longer, but see above re: the last “Ow” — that was yesterday and I’m still recovering). It’s been a full week now of daily practice. The habit is on its way. Again.

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