When Writing Isn’t Fun Anymore

As a writer, I periodically hit this point. My Serious Novel work-in-progress feels too hard. (It may or may not have anything to do with where I am in the novel. Some parts of writing a novel just suck–even Neil Gaiman says so. But sometimes that’s not the problem.) Editing one of the short story drafts I have floating around feels too daunting. And starting a new novel? Forget it.

I can drift along for months without writing anything. A couple of years ago, I even announced that I was quitting altogether. (It…didn’t stick.)

Sooner or later I give myself a shake and go looking for the fun parts of writing–the parts I used to know about when I was a teenager, but somehow get harder and harder to find the more I learn.

One year, I got out of this slump by writing Firefly fanfiction. Another year, I started plotting a contra dance–themed cozy mystery. Two years ago, I challenged myself to write the smallest possible thing every day–it led to a lot of haikus and then, eventually, flash fiction. (Which led to me placing third in a flash fiction contest and then getting to help judge it last year, as well as making my first pro-rate sale. But that’s not the point of the story.)

Why yes, this does happen regularly. It’s a cycle. I know this. Doesn’t make it any easier to avoid falling in…but at least I’m getting practice climbing out of it?

The current strategy? I mentioned before that I’m writing a serial–a fluffy steampunk romance between a tailor and a pirate (both male). I’ve done lots of research on 18th-century men’s clothing, and zero research on anything else (um, yet). There are smoldering glances and life-endangering situations. I have no real idea where it’s going…but I don’t need to, because I’m having fun.

(Two of my critique partners are also writing adventure fantasy right now. Fun writing seems to be having a moment.)

If you read Kit’s blog, you might notice that she occasionally mentions the sequel to City of Hope and Ruin. Well, that’s stalled pretty badly, mostly on my end, I’m sorry to say. I’m hoping that if I write enough tailor/pirate fluff, it’ll start moving again…

In the meantime, we’re working on an anthology set in the same world as our novel, featuring stories by all four of us. (Yes, I did manage to write a thing. Somehow. I even like the result.) It will be out very soon, and we can’t wait to share it with you!


  1. Maybe we need pirates in CoHaR II? 😛

  2. That might just do it!

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