Sun Touched

a free serial set in the Fey Touched universe
by Erin Zarro

Part 5

Get caught up: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

DAY 2 – Continued

                The hallway was strangely quiet as we walk-hobbled. I kept waiting for more rogues to materialize from the shadows, but none did.

                “How do we get out of here?” I asked Ry. There were several doors on both sides of the hallway, but nothing jumped out to me as the way out. It reminded me of an old, creepy castle.

                Ry took a deep, rattling breath. I remembered that tomorrow was day three. If I didn’t heal him…he would die.


                It felt like a sucker punch. I wasn’t even sure I liked him. I wasn’t sure I was going to heal him. But the thought of him dying clearly did something to me. Something I didn’t understand.

                And I didn’t want to think on it too deeply.

                “There’s a door on the left that leads to another hallway. We take that all the way down, turn left, and we’re there.” Ry coughed.

                “Sounds pretty easy,” Tanya murmured.

                “Oh, but it might not be. Not if I have anything to do with it,” a voice said. It was male, and it was coming from in front of us, but no one was there.

                “That’s Andre.” Ry coughed again. “He’s mastered the art of hiding behind illusions. C’mon, Andre, show yourself. We don’t want a fight.”

                “Speak for yourself,” Josh said, throwing his dagger upward. The blade caught the dim light as it spun and flared like a captive star. He then caught it by the hilt. “I wouldn’t mind a fight.”

                “No, we want peace,” I said quickly, my heart thundering in my chest. I didn’t want any more carnage, any more of Ry’s Clan dead. Or any of us. It could happen.

                Sweet Artemis, I hoped not. I just wanted to go home.

                “Peace, huh?” Andre asked. He still wasn’t visible. “What will you give—”

                “They are going to save my life,” Ry said quietly. “I think that’s enough, don’t you?”

                I took a breath and let it out.

                “Okay, fine. I’m just messing with you. How will you get back?” Andre asked.

                Ry looked stricken. “I don’t know.”

                Something grabbed hold of me, a warm, very sweaty hand. I was pulled up against the closest wall. I screamed, and Ry—I had no idea what happened to Ry.

                “Oh, no, you don’t,” Tanya snapped, pulling her dagger out of its sheath. “Don’t you dare.”

                I still couldn’t see anything, but I could feel warm breath on my face. And that sweaty hand. A chuckle. “Clearly she’s special—”

                “I swear to Artemis, I will kill you,” Ry bit out, his voice rough. “She’s my mate. Hurt her and

I hurt you.”

                “Mate?” I asked, dumbfounded. Maybe he was hallucinating again?

                “Hell, no,” Josh said.

                “Let her go now,” Ry said. “Last chance, Andre.”

                Andre released me. “You are so not fun anymore. Get out of my sight.”

                Ry grabbed my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

                We walked in silence while my mind raced, trying to figure out what was going on. I was not Ry’s mate. And he wasn’t mine. Was he just trying to protect me? Calling me his mate so no one of his Clan would hurt me?

                There was a cluster of rogues up ahead. The way out was behind them. Naturally. I hoped we wouldn’t have to fight them.

                “Ry? What the hell?” a woman with red hair asked. She approached us, a dagger in her fist. She glanced at me. “I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to revoke our hospitality.” And she lunged at me, the dagger heading for my chest.

                I sidestepped, pushing Ry to the side. He snarled and crept forward but stayed out of it. I whipped around in a roundhouse kick, sending the woman flying. She slammed into the opposite wall.

                Rogues suddenly surrounded us. At least five. They seemed to come from nowhere.

                We fought with fists, daggers, and wits. Grunts and screams and battle cries. Blood flew and stained clothing.

                Rogues dropped, one by one.

                Apparently the Fey don’t teach their own how to fight. At not these, anyway.

                Except one rogue. She stared me down, backing me into the wall. “You hurt Mellie,” she said softly and with pain in her voice. “So, I hurt you.” She took one step forward—

                And was suddenly airborne.

It was Ry.

                He’d taken hold of her and was spinning her. He let go, and she slammed into the ground with a cry.

                Ry. Sick Ry. Dying Ry.

                Saving me. Again.

                She didn’t stand or stir, so I figured we were safe. “Thanks, but I could have handled it.”

                Ry didn’t look at me. “I know. I just…wanted to.”

                “You’re sick,” I pointed out.

                “I am.”

                “So how did you get the strength to do that?” I pressed. My tribe gathered around me, watching us.

                Ry shrugged. “Adrenaline, I guess. I feel like crap. But…you needed me,” he said quietly.

                “I didn’t need your help,” I countered. This was getting awkward and embarrassing.

                “Okay, guys, you can debate that later,” Jane cut in. “We need to go before we get attacked again.”

                Ry grinned at me. “After you, milady.”

                We walked out the door and into the sunlight.


                “So, now what?” I asked my superior, Len. “We made a judgment call, yes, and I know I should have asked—”

                “Do you want to heal him?” Len asked, his eyes meeting mine.

                We’d flown here because it was still the fastest, most exhilarating method of travel. I carried Ry on my back—we Hunters are strong like that. He’d enjoyed the ride, but as soon as we hit ground again, he went back to being broody and weird.

                I’d seen Len as soon as we’d arrived. To get this over with.

                “Ivy?” Len asked.

                I mentally shook those thoughts away. “My original plan was not to, but then he convinced me to bring him with us. And he, uh, saved me twice.”

                Len arched a brow. “Really?”

                I felt my face flush. “Yes.”

                “We all have those moments.” He patted me on the shoulder. He let the silence stretch out.

                I sighed. “He’s—he’s not one of those type of rogues. He says he didn’t make the choice. He woke up like this.” I shrugged as Len’s eyebrows climbed higher. “And I suppose it could be true. Look at Queen Ashalyn.”

                Len ran a palm over his face. “She’d been brainwashed and is a Healer.”

                “Still,” I said. “It’s not impossible. Anyway, he’s afflicted and will die tomorrow. And…”

                Len’s eyes met mine. “You don’t want him to die.”

                I nodded, my throat too constricted to speak. My eyes filled with tears, and Len reached out to me.

                Falling into his arms, I cried.

                This was the thing about Healers. We felt so strongly, and we were almost compelled to help the wounded or sick. I’d tried to not do it, and it had worked. For a bit.

                “Sun’s bright today,” Len murmured. “This is a good time, if you need to.”

                I drew away. This was the other part of what I could do. The ability to harness sunlight for healing. It would mean not needing someone to neutralize the affliction. It would mean not having to take it into myself.

                I walked out of the building on shaking legs. What if he was lying? What if he’d gone rogue by choice?

                What if he hadn’t saved me?

                I had to do it. Today. Now.


                “You said I was your mate,” I said softly. We were standing outside my personal quarters, bathed in golden sunlight. “What did that mean?”

                Ry smiled wryly. “I was waiting for you to ask that.” He looked down at his hands which still bore the odd designs. “I think…I think I’ve imprinted on you, Ivy.”

                I gasped. “You—you can’t. You’re rogue.”

                “I still have feelings, Ivy.” Ry stepped closer to me. I resisted the urge to step back. To flee. “And it is possible to imprint twice. There was a rumor about a Hunter who’d done that. Can’t remember his name for the life of me. Collin or Cullen or something.”

                My mouth shaped the word “cobra,” which was his name, I was sure, but Ry’s mouth on mine stopped me from speaking. From breathing. From doing anything but falling under his spell.

                His kiss was tentative, an offer. A promise. I accepted, deepening the kiss. The world spun; my mind raced; my heart thudded like hoofbeats in my chest.

                Ry was the first to pull away. “You are my mate, Ivy. Whether you accept this mating or not.”

                “You…you love me?” I asked. There was no way he could. We’d known each other for not even two full days.

                “I believe I am heading in that direction.”

                “Maybe you’re confusing gratitude with love?” I asked. I was trying to make sense of this. But, if I were being truthful with myself, I was feeling all sorts of things for Ry. And none of them were pity or gratitude.

                “I saved you because I care about you,” Ry said. “I hurt my own people. For you. That’s huge. I used to be so loyal to my Clan. I used to kill Hunters for sport.”

                I scowled at him. “Now the rogue comes out. It was just hiding.”

                “I’m just being honest.” He stepped closer. “I promise not to kill you, Ivy, or any of your tribe. Let’s explore this. See where it leads.”

                “I have to heal you first.” I ran a hand through my hair. I’d be exposing my special ability. He cared about me, right? He wouldn’t tell anyone.

                And, Sweet Artemis, I was pretty sure I cared for him, too.

                “If you want,” Ry murmured. “If you’ve decided not to let me die.”

                “I haven’t.” I pointed to the grass. “Sit down. This is going to be a bit different.”

                Ry leaned in and kissed me again. It was nothing more than a chaste peck, but it spoke volumes. “Thank you, Ivy. I will always be grateful for this gift.”

                “You’re welcome, Ry.” My eyes narrowed. “What does ‘Ry’ stand for?”

                “I don’t know. I’ve always been Ry.”

                I shrugged. “Okay. I need you to take off your shirt.” For Artemis’s sake, I was freaking blushing. I was healing him, not seducing him.

                If I could…

                Not. Helping.

                Ry chuckled. “Oh, really? What else would you—”

                “Just the shirt,” I said through clenched teeth.

                Ry held out his hands palm up. “Okay, okay. Shirt only.” In one swift motion, he pulled his shirt off, revealing the most muscular, toned chest and arms I’d ever seen.

                The red lines marred his hands, but otherwise, he was perfect.

                I glanced up at the sky. Took a breath, pulling warm, soothing sunlight into me. It spread to my arms and hands and fingers. And then down my body to my legs, feet, and toes. It felt like taking a bath.

                “Ivy, you’re glowing,” Ry said, his eyes wide. “What the…?”

                “I’ll explain later.” I focused on directing the sunlight into Ry’s body. “You might start feeling warm and then hot. It’s okay. It means the healing is killing your affliction.”

                “Uh huh,” Ry murmured.

                I touched Ry’s hand, and he jumped. The golden glow went from my hand to his hand and then expanded, traveling through his entire body. Now he was glowing just like me.

                “Take a few deep breaths,” I whispered.

                He did as I commanded.

                The lines were dimming, but not disappearing. I breathed in more sunlight and touched his hand again.

                “I’m burning up.” Sweat rolled down his face and chest. “Are you—”

                “Just hang in there.” The lines began disappearing, one by one. He kept sweating.

                We both glowed.

                When the last line disappeared, I let out a breath. Then I drew the sunlight back into me. I let it fill me, giving thanks for this priceless gift.

                And then I released it.

                Ry looked at me. “That was…” He gestured upward. “Sunlight?”


                “That is your ability? To use sunlight?”

                “Yes,” I said, smiling. “But it takes a lot out of me. I will need to—”

                And everything went black.


                I woke up to Ry sitting next to me on the grass. He held my dagger in his fist, and his eyes followed everything, looking for danger.

                He reminded me of a Hunter mate.

                And then I noticed something else.

                He had wings. Black, fluffy, and sleek, they were the wings of a Hunter.

                “You transformed me,” Ry said, his voice rough. “You made me your mate in truth. I feel even more protective of you now.”

                “Hunter males are legendary when it comes to protectiveness,” I said. “Do rogues get protective of their mates?”

                “Sometimes. Depends on how strongly the rogue imprints on the female.”

                “And Ava…” I hated to bring it up, but I was too curious.

                Pain flashed on his face for a second, then disappeared. “I cared for Ava. My imprinting was pretty strong—”

                “As strong as with me?” I asked, arching my eyebrow.

                Ry struggled. “I don’t—”

                I laid a hand on his wrist. “It’s okay. Besides, she’s in your past. I’m your future.”

                “Damn right,” Ry said with a chuckle. We kissed, and this time, it felt like he was trying to drink me down, touch my mana, my soul. “You’re all I need, Ivy. I can’t even believe…” He experimentally lifted his wings a fraction of an inch. “Wow, this is so weird. It’s like I have muscles that weren’t there before.”

                I unfurled my wings, snapping them out to their full span. “You’ll get used to it. And someday, you’ll fly, too.”

                Ry’s eyes went wide. “Sweet Artemis, how?”

                “I’ll teach you.” I settled my wings against my back but kept them out. “I’ll also need to teach you how to unfurl them and dismiss them.”

                “Make them disappear?”

                “Right.” I grinned, doing just that. “That’s so we don’t freak out the humans.”

                Ry looked so incredulous, so happy, so ecstatic that I couldn’t help but to feel the same. I’d saved him. We were mates. And now, he was a Hunter.

                “How are we going to explain—”

                I put a finger to his lips. “We’ll tell them It’s a miracle. Let’s enjoy it.”

                And we kissed, his wings surrounding me as the sunlight touched our skin.

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