Summer, Alas

Hi, friends! Here we are, in July, and I find myself yearning for late August, at the very earliest. I am not someone who deals well with being hot. My ancestors hail from the frigid north, and, as they say, you can add layers if you’re cold, but eventually you run out of things you can take off.

And aside from the heat, there’s the light. I don’t mind being able to go out late, but the birds don’t get the memo that 4:30 in the morning is not an appropriate time to sing.

And the smaller members of the family are out of school. Which means either they’re around and need looking after, or they need to be taken places and supervised.

I’m getting very little done. I mean, I am getting a little done, but I’ve had to resort to getting up early to try and get stuff done, which only works sometimes, depending on whether or not people can sleep through the sun and the birds.

Oh well, it is what it is. And I guess its not all bad. Though we did overbook ourselves on activities, but it should clear up in the next week, and then maybe we can actually relax and enjoy the season.

And maybe I’ll be able to get more done.

How’s your summer? Are you more of a heat or cold person yourself?


  1. I hear ya. How much I love summer depends heavily on how much of the summer I can spend in some body of water. No swimming? Then I’m heading for the hills–or mountains, preferably. Can’t do either? I’m gonna hide in the coldest AC I can find and not come out till September, thanks.

  2. This time of year, it’s easy to think I prefer cold to heat. I seem to turn into a complete slug in the summer, and I assume it’s caused by the heat. But my husband likes to say I have a 4-degree comfort zone (in Fahrenheit!) so that I get too cold or too hot quite easily. I’m afraid he’s mostly right.
    As for the early birds: I wear ear plugs at night which helps a lot, but I’m not sure I would do that if I had kids to worry about.

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