Happiest of Holidays, Whichever You Celebrate

It’s Christmas Eve. My 21-year-old kid is regressing to wide-eyed childhood as I write. It’s the third night of Hanukkah. Kwanzaa begins this week. For my beloved witch friends, solstice just passed. Islam doesn’t seem to have a holiday coming up right now, from my quick look around the interwebs, but I don’t want leave out a whole lot of people. So I’ll say it with all my heart–happy holidays. Whatever you celebrate, I hope it is joyous. I hope you find rest, and peace, and comfort. I celebrate Christmas, but one of the best I ever had was the time I stayed home alone with Chinese takeout and a Bruce Lee movie marathon. Take that time if you need that time. And hey. I get it. Sometimes family is just not what you need, so you go on the internet and read blog posts. I’m here for you, hoping to give you a laugh. Please enjoy this video of cats and Christmas trees. There are a lot of tweets about this, too. I used to have two cats. Frito would take down the tree at two in the morning, and Rohrschach would come wake me up to snitch on his brother. Unfortunately I don’t have any video of that. Cats and menorahs apparently are also a bad combo, but I didn’t find a funny video of that. Perhaps because when your beloved cat sets itself afire, you help the cat instead of recording? One would hope. Are there other…

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