Happiest of Holidays, Whichever You Celebrate

It’s Christmas Eve. My 21-year-old kid is regressing to wide-eyed childhood as I write.

It’s the third night of Hanukkah.

Kwanzaa begins this week. For my beloved witch friends, solstice just passed. Islam doesn’t seem to have a holiday coming up right now, from my quick look around the interwebs, but I don’t want leave out a whole lot of people. So I’ll say it with all my heart–happy holidays.

Whatever you celebrate, I hope it is joyous. I hope you find rest, and peace, and comfort. I celebrate Christmas, but one of the best I ever had was the time I stayed home alone with Chinese takeout and a Bruce Lee movie marathon. Take that time if you need that time.

And hey. I get it. Sometimes family is just not what you need, so you go on the internet and read blog posts. I’m here for you, hoping to give you a laugh.

Please enjoy this video of cats and Christmas trees.

There are a lot of tweets about this, too.

I used to have two cats. Frito would take down the tree at two in the morning, and Rohrschach would come wake me up to snitch on his brother. Unfortunately I don’t have any video of that.

Cats and menorahs apparently are also a bad combo, but I didn’t find a funny video of that. Perhaps because when your beloved cat sets itself afire, you help the cat instead of recording? One would hope.

Are there other holiday traditions that lead to hilarity with pets? Please share!

(Despite what you see here, please do remember that eating tinsel and/or Christmas lights is very bad for cats.)

(and please have a joyous holiday. <3 )

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