Progress Starts with Writing It Down

It’s been a good bit more than six months since my last Organizational Freakout. (Listed and linked in this, the previous post.) This time, however, I’m not starting a new system.

Nope. Not this time. This time, I am reporting that a system I already started, expanding what was my bullet journal with elements of Control Journal (Flylady) and Getting Things Done (GTD) into what I now call my Flight Manual.

Because I’m gonna freaking FLY, y’all. I am!


Yes, I know, you’ve heard it before. But this time I didn’t announce my attempting a new system because I have tried and tried and tried before, and failed and failed and failed again (though a little better each time!)

This time, though, it’s still working.

I am so excited by that fact, you have no idea.

Week Spread

One thing that’s making it work, this time, is that I’m actually looking at it. A lot! I have a look at my goals every morning, rotating through the week, and then on Saturday I review the week and Sundays I look forward at what’s coming. So each morning as I do my 750words, I may not ONLY ramble about the goal of the day, but I definitely do some rambling on it.

Turns out that “oh, I should do something about that sometime” is a lot less useful than “okay, first step is this, I will do that on this day, and the next step is this and I will schedule that for this day.”

Who could have guessed focus would make things go better? (I did! I knew! I just didn’t know how to make it happen!)

I’m still a very busy human who spends most of her day doing things that are not particularly advancing her goals. Making rocket-sled progress will not be happening. But at least I’m not just spinning my wheels–I can see progress! If nothing else, because I have it written down.

  1. Plan
  2. Do
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

That’s how that works, right?


  1. Pingback: After the Weekend (Alas) | Escapist Literature

  2. Pingback: Working the Plan, Planning the Work | Escapist Literature

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