Let It Go, Let It Go…

Oh, so sorry. Did I get a song stuck in your head? Join the club. grumble So I think I’ve decided that I’m not gardening again next year. I tell myself that every year, but this year I think I mean it. I have many demands on my time, and my money, and the bugs around here (and my lack of making a time commitment to fight them, let’s be honest…) ahem. The bugs around here have NO lack in their time or commitment to go after my poor growing things. Anyway. We’ve reached that time of the year, when I think that all I have to do is NOT go out and water them for two days, and then I won’t have to deal with those darn plants ever again. I won’t do that, of course. I cannot give up on them while they yet live. I’ve tried! Who was it, still covering up her last abused tomato plant well into November? Yep, this girl. Really, it would be cruel to murder them now. The poor things have tried. They have certainly done that. I’ve pulled THREE hornworms off my tomato plants in the past week, and those suckers are big and eat a lot– but my poor plants are still trying with less than half their leaves. I drowned the first one, and he almost learned to swim in time. So I dropped rocks on the second and third. I chased some sort of moth that I’m sure…

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I’m not writing this at 12:30a.m., noooo

We’ll just pretend it’s 12 noon because it is technically 12 noon somewhere, right? Le sigh. I didn’t forget this time, honest. Today just…grew legs and walked away from me. Let’s see. I had a dentist appointment at 11a.m. But see, I’d gotten to bed late (truthfully speaking, super late) the night before because work is madness right now (and so is my sleep disorder) so I ended up sleeping in a bit but still getting to the appointment on time. Yay me! Usual stuff there — no cavities, thank God, and I was back home. Worked a bit, then had to take our cat Hailey to the vet for fluids at 3p.m. A bit of a wait there. Not our usual time, since we usually go at 12 noon, but the dentist appointment required an adjustment. So got home, very quickly messaged a client about a few things that needed doing, put together a newsletter for her that needed to go out today, hubby came home, had dinner (leftover tacos, yummy), gave the cat her medication, worked a bit more, found out I didn’t have Esperanto today as my study partner had a power outage… Settled in to work on an editing job, a fun one, actually and…soon it was late. Very late. Oops. So here we are. Sometimes my days are like that. Rushing around, doing this, doing that. Sometimes I’m doing newsletter swaps, a type of free promotion, and because I do them in batches, usually I…

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Free Time Doesn’t Help

Hi friends! The small, mobile ones are back in school and have been for the last week. I’m getting so much done! She says sarcastically. (In case you’re wondering about the apron, I did eventually get it done, but I made it way too big somehow so it’s essentially useless. Sigh.) I was so looking forward to school starting. I was going to do so much! Write more, draw more, exercise more. Play video games. Watch TV shows! Have I done those things? Well, I have watched an entire season of Brooklyn 99. But mostly I’ve done…not really sure, to be honest. Some stuff around the house that needed doing. But otherwise… ??? (I would put the shrug emoji there but I don’t know how.) Isn’t it weird, how you look forward to free time? Like, I may not be getting as much done now as I want to, but it’s okay, because next week I’ll get lots done, or next month I’ll get lots done, or whenever, then I’ll be able to be productive. But then the free time comes and it’s so hard to actually focus on what you were planning to do. There’s probably some sort of professional psychology term for that. But I do know that they say that the more stuff you have to do, the more productive you are. That you fill the time you have with the things you have to do. Yet it’s so weird that you can have five hours to…

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Furry House Guest Incoming

This week’s excitement around here is that we’re getting ready to host our first house guest since the Before Times. Oh, and she’s a cat. See, friends of ours are traveling out of province (they’re less risk-averse than I am, and case numbers are still low across Canada even with Delta), and for various reasons it wasn’t practical to cat-sit at their place. So she’s coming to stay with us during their trip. Making things extra interesting is that nobody in my household has ever had a cat, dog, or rodent for a pet. I’ve certainly interacted with plenty of cats, courtesy of many friends and family members who have them, but I’ve never taken care of one. Thankfully, the folks I know who do have cats have been happy to give advice. So we’ve been cleaning under all the furniture and securing our one houseplant and taking stock of breakables. My home office is still a mess, but less so than usual (as I make glacial headway on the piles), and anyway I’m told that having lots of potential hiding places is actually a good thing. My husband is excited; he’s hoping this experience will be a gateway for him to talk me into permanent pet-ownership. (Not with this particular cat, of course. I rather think our friends’ little boy would like her back.) My in-laws are skeptical; they grew up in India, where cats live on the street and get fed if you’re feeling generous. I’m anxious, but…

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