Let It Go, Let It Go…

Oh, so sorry. Did I get a song stuck in your head? Join the club. grumble So I think I’ve decided that I’m not gardening again next year. I tell myself that every year, but this year I think I mean it. I have many demands on my time, and my money, and the bugs around here (and my lack of making a time commitment to fight them, let’s be honest…) ahem. The bugs around here have NO lack in their time or commitment to go after my poor growing things. Anyway. We’ve reached that time of the year, when I think that all I have to do is NOT go out and water them for two days, and then I won’t have to deal with those darn plants ever again. I won’t do that, of course. I cannot give up on them while they yet live. I’ve tried! Who was it, still covering up her last abused tomato plant well into November? Yep, this girl. Really, it would be cruel to murder them now. The poor things have tried. They have certainly done that. I’ve pulled THREE hornworms off my tomato plants in the past week, and those suckers are big and eat a lot– but my poor plants are still trying with less than half their leaves. I drowned the first one, and he almost learned to swim in time. So I dropped rocks on the second and third. I chased some sort of moth that I’m sure…

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