Furry House Guest Incoming

This week’s excitement around here is that we’re getting ready to host our first house guest since the Before Times. Oh, and she’s a cat. See, friends of ours are traveling out of province (they’re less risk-averse than I am, and case numbers are still low across Canada even with Delta), and for various reasons it wasn’t practical to cat-sit at their place. So she’s coming to stay with us during their trip. Making things extra interesting is that nobody in my household has ever had a cat, dog, or rodent for a pet. I’ve certainly interacted with plenty of cats, courtesy of many friends and family members who have them, but I’ve never taken care of one. Thankfully, the folks I know who do have cats have been happy to give advice. So we’ve been cleaning under all the furniture and securing our one houseplant and taking stock of breakables. My home office is still a mess, but less so than usual (as I make glacial headway on the piles), and anyway I’m told that having lots of potential hiding places is actually a good thing. My husband is excited; he’s hoping this experience will be a gateway for him to talk me into permanent pet-ownership. (Not with this particular cat, of course. I rather think our friends’ little boy would like her back.) My in-laws are skeptical; they grew up in India, where cats live on the street and get fed if you’re feeling generous. I’m anxious, but…

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