2021, A Liminal Year

Hello again, friends. Did you miss me? I at least know what day it is this month. Small steps. It’s December, in itself a liminal month, where the old year is essentially over but the new year hasn’t yet started. So it’s almost the time of year when one starts to think ahead to the one coming up. 2022. Can you believe it? We’re firmly into science fiction time periods now. But hasn’t 2021 just felt like a weird extension of 2020? Like, I can’t easily differentiate what happened when. A lot of that is the pandemic, but things I’m remembering happening last year are really from, like, February of this year. And who knows what happened last year. I don’t. But I also don’t feel like I can be optimistic about a new year. I’d like to think that I’ll get on top of everything again. I’d like to feel like a new year brings new opportunities. But I don’t. I’m just tired, and it feels like the world is falling apart around me. Anyway. Enough of that. Yeesh. My point is that 2021 doesn’t really seem to have happened. Or exist. It’s just 2020 part 2. So here’s hoping that 2022 feels like it’s own year, amirite? Anyway, I won’t see you guys again til the new year, so here’s hoping you wrap up everything you want to and make happy plans come 2022. Best of luck, take care of yourselves, and remember that the holidays are about…

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