A Soothing Ritual

Recently I saw a comment pass by wherein someone asked how a person could “hate tea.” There are about a billion different kinds, so how could you know that you hate all of them? And it’s true. One can know if they hate coffee. If you only drink it with a ton of sugar and milk added (hello, roommate, child, other child…) you hate coffee and you need to stop drinking mine. No, seriously. Go get a cup of tea. We have all the choices.We do. We have a piece of furniture devoted solely to tea. We have a wide selection of teas. I usually start my deciding with considering how much caffeine I feel the need for. I try to avoid coffee every day (because I don’t want to have to have it every day, and also to keep it special.) So yes. Choices. Black, green, white, herbal…our vendor of choice is Harney & Sons, for the dual reasons of delicious tea and pretty tins. (We are almost to the point of building a house with tea tins.) Sunday morning I enjoyed a delicious Florence blend. H&S sells most teas either in sachet or loose. I usually prefer a sachet (easier), but I wanted to try this one and the cheapest way since they were out of samples was to buy a small tin of loose. Also, I do enjoy the whole process of making myself a cup of tea, on a Sunday morning when I have the time.…

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