What are you manifesting?

So, if you’ve been around for awhile, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction. Well, I’m not talking about that. Not exactly. See, a year ago, I took a “bootcamp” in a manifestation technique through author Heather Hildenbrand that is similar, but is quite different, too. Actually, I have yet to totally finish it, as I got super busy during that period. She is running the bootcamp for a second time, and I am an alumna, so I get to take it again (and again and again…) if I want to. So I will probably do that. But the parts I did take were extremely helpful.

But I’m not really talking about that, either. It’s the backstory. See, I’ve always been curious about it. Can you really manifest anything your heart desires? The one thing they say is that you have to put the work into it — you can’t just say, okay, I’m going to be a millionaire by next week and wait for the dollar bills to fall from the sky. We and the universe are co-creators — we work together. You gotta do something to help that come together. The universe does its part; you do yours.

So in my Lenormand class, we touched on a manifestation technique with the cards that I tried recently with a duplicate deck I kept just for this purpose. It’s basically waiting for the right moon phase (for setting intentions and manifestation – the new moon) and laying out your cards to read a sentence. Specifically: “I unlock and attract (Lady or Man + Key + Moon) + whatever you’re looking to manifest.” And then you leave it there, look at it, meditate on it, etc. And that’s what I’ve been doing. I have it on my makeshift altar, which is actually just a small shelf unit with all my CDs on it, plus some random stuff on top. It will eventually become my altar someday. Anyway, the cards are there, where I can see them whenever I walk into the room. I also took a picture of them, so I can look at them on my phone. Here’s what my sentence is: I (Lady) + unlock and attract (Key + Moon) + abundance and positive change (Fish + Storks). I had a hard time choosing what I wanted to manifest! But I like abundance in general, because that’s always a good general goal, right? And positive change is something I’ve been needing for a loooooong time, in many different respects. So, the two worked for me. So they’ve been there for a bit, through a few moon cycles.

And what have been my results?

~Well, I’ve gotten a returning editing client who took great pains to find me on Facebook. (Abundance)
~I’ve gotten several editing jobs in very quick succession. Granted, the beginning of the year is always pretty crazy for me, but even this is a bit crazier. (Abundance)
~I’m participating in the second round of the bootcamp I mentioned. (Positive change)
~I’m participating in a weeklong manifestation challenge through a Facebook group I’m in. (Positive change)
~I’ve had a few opportunities to enter contests/compete for awards for my writing. (Both)
~I got a little side job through a client. (Abundance)

There are probably more, but I can’t think of it right this second. I have always been a believer in taking opportunities that come my way, so when the above opportunities presented themselves, naturally I took them without a second thought. And they brought me very good things (or might bring me good things, or a good experience, at least).

They also say that every day, your thoughts manifest your reality. That if you believe you have a crappy life, then that’s what the universe continually gives back to you. For years, my family has believed that we have been cursed with bad luck because we are associated with my father. He is bad luck. Always. And it’s true. We’ve always had horrible luck. Always. But here’s the question: did we unintentionally manifest all this bad luck by this powerful belief, or was the bad luck just always there? Was my dad literally bad luck? Or did we just blame the bad luck on him because it seemed like it followed him? So now, whenever my mom says, “Omg, his bad luck is rubbing off on us again!” I tell her, “No, don’t say that. If you believe that, you’ll have bad luck. Believe that you have good luck instead.” So far, I haven’t really seen any huge changes in our luck, but it hasn’t been that long. And, this has been something that’s been going on my entire life, almost forty-seven years. Hard to undo such a huge thing overnight.

I always try to think positive and believe that things will work out, and that life is not going to suck. I used to believe that I was a victim of life’s battering of me. Why does life love to kick me in the teeth so much? I used to wonder. Now, I’m trying to revise my thinking. What is this teaching me? Life is not kicking me…it’s showing me things. And, it can be beautiful and wondrous and great. We’re lucky to be here. Sometimes I don’t always succeed, but I am forever trying.

So, I ask you once again: What are you manifesting? What kind of life will you create? Do you want abundance, love, positive change, or something else?

Give it a whirl. There are many articles on the internet about it. Pick one and see what you like. Or make up your own! See what possibilities are out there. It’s endless. Let me know how it goes!

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