Technology, Y’all

Am I right? You know I’m right.

Currently, I’m right about my fitness tracker. Which, you know, is a misnomer, but we’ll go with it. It has a silent alarm feature, which I’ve decided I don’t like. At least, not how I’ve been using it, to go off between 6:10 and 6:40 every morning. It’s supposed to be a smart alarm, but it never wakes me up because it only activates when it figures out I’m already awake. So it’s just annoying and I want to turn it off. My tracker, however, has been refusing to open the “alarm” app so that I can.

So I went hunting on the internet, and the only thing that seems to work is a factory reset. Oh geez. Am I that annoyed by this alarm? Well, maybe. It’s been a long time that I’ve been meaning to fix it. The fact that I’m actually remembering at eight at night about something that happens in the morning, is a good sign that I do indeed find it that annoying.

Factory reset, then. I steeled myself, and I did it. Now I’ve put my wifi password in three times, but my tracker can’t find my wifi (the router is five feet away, through open air.) So it’s updating through Bluetooth, and it keeps restarting.

Currently we’re at 13% on the third try. Let us all pray to Saint Vidicon

Microsoft has been giving me similar hassles at work lately. Similar as in, not working.

I’m going on nine years in this job, and I’ve had the same password the whole time, since IT knows the whole changing passwords thing is Not Helpful. Suddenly this month, Microsoft keeps deciding that–oh, did you want to use your work account or your personal one? I don’t have a personal one linked to my work email (that sounds like a bad plan!) so I don’t know what that’s about–but I tell it work, and I give it my password, and it tells me I’m wrong. And then IT eventually remotes in, and we change my password to my current password, and I’m good for 7-10 days, and then it does it again.

Luckily IT knows me, and they know if I’m calling, it’s not because I forgot to plug my computer in or some such bull.


While I’m complaining, I really hate that they moved my shared files onto Sharepoint, which sometimes tells me I can’t access my file I created five years ago. And my not-shared files are now on One Drive. So I spend a lot of time at work lately trying to remember where my files are.

Ugh ugh ugh…

Am I the only one arguing with their tech, I wonder? I bet I’m not. Do you turn on your TV and it goes to, say, Netflix, which asks you to choose “who’s watching” by selecting a profile, and you tell Netflix it’s your TV, it’s always you, and only always going to be you watching your TV?

…just me, then?

In that case, I should probably be more careful. Last week I told the printer at work to “bite me” and one of my colleagues cracked up. I’d forgotten she was there! I’m glad I didn’t say any of the other things I often say to that particular printer.

Obviously I don’t only say mean things. That would be silly. I thank my car, and encourage her when she’s working hard. I thank the dishwasher, and when it plays the happy little song that tells me it’s done, I congratulate it on doing such a good job! (Hoping, of course, that it has done a good job…)

Tech can be super annoying, but I’m still very grateful for it. I’m glad of my washing machine and my dryer, my dishwasher, my car…oh yes, I love my car…grateful for my computer and my TV and my Netflix account and my “fitness” tracker that doesn’t track how many of those steps were me running off to find yet another cup of coffee so…

Anyway. My tracker is still not updated and I am having Regrets. I want to go to bed! Sadly, I know if I don’t sit here and stare at the phone and tracker making those little lights at each other, I’ll have to fight this out again tomorrow.

Technology, y’all. Freaking technology.

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