Adventures in Voice Recognition

There’s recently been a change in my life that has required me to spend more time away from the keyboard. I mean, I can sit at the computer, and often have one hand available, but the time where I can quickly and easily type has diminished. After going slightly stir-crazy, I decided I would try using voice recognition software to try and stay at my normal output. I did some research online, but discovered that my computer’s OS had a built-in version. Being a cheapskate, we went with that.

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Ray Bradbury: We Are All His Illegitimate Children

As you have probably heard, we lost speculative fiction giant Ray Bradbury last week. You can read tons of very nice, touching thoughts on what he did for science fiction around the internet. Of all the giants, he was the one who I felt I knew the best. Not because I read more of his stuff than anyone else. Not because a story of his touched me deeper than anyone else’s (though All Summer in a Day tends to make me cry). You see, I am Ray Bradbury’s bastard child. And so are you.  

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Enter the Tiny Wizard

Sunday, I hosted a barbeque at my house. We had probably forty or so people wander through at various points in the day, and, as far as I know, a good time was had by all. Fast forward to Monday morning. I go into the office to start my work for the week, and discover a tiny wizard on my desk. I have no idea where he came from.

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I Swear, One More Squeak…

So, a few months ago I gave in and let my husband get a dog. I am not a dog person, but Riley’s not too bad. He’s friendly, incredibly cute, and when he’s not eating the cat’s food or questionable things in the backyard, he’s decent company. All that has changed recently. You see, he has discovered the joys of squeaky toys.

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An Introductory Guide to Cosplay

Last week, Siri brought up the way fans interact with their favorite books, shows, and other media – fanfiction, fanart, crafting, and cosplay. And while I try not to always float along on Siri’s coattails, I find that, as this is a subject near and dear to my heart, Siri’s coattails are rather attractive at the moment, and on we go. I especially wanted to focus on cosplay, as I feel it is perhaps the rarest of the fan-based interactions. Fanart and fanfiction especially are things that can be enjoyed in anonymity, where you can lurk on the internet without people in your everyday life being aware that you really, really like that anime. Crafting and cosplay require more…dedication. When you dress up as someone from something, it’s pretty hard for the people around you to not realize that you like it.

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Of Dreamers

I wish I had a lovely tale like Siri does about the background of my story, Frozen, for the Winter’s Night anthology.  One that invokes childhood memories and beliefs.  But I don’t, because, unfortunately, my brain works in a much more convoluted way and I long ago learned to let it do as it will.  

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