Buh-bye, Springing Forward and Falling Back!

Just in case you’re wondering, Kit and I switched blog slots this month, so you’re getting me a week early. Lucky you! 🙂 I just found out that the Senate passed a bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. By unaminious consent. I found that interesting. They all agreed on this. Everyone. It still needs to go through the House and to President Biden, so we’re not quite there yet, but I am optimistic. I’ve said for years — years — that this crap needs to stop. It’s antiquated and from a time long past (1918 apparently). To save energy. But the world was so different then, right? Now…I don’t know about you, but every time we change, no matter which direction, it takes me about two weeks to adjust. I’m irritable, basically jet-lagged for all intents and purposes, and I’m completely out of sorts. My body even rebels. I used to end up in fibro flares, too. Back when I was a kid, and there was no internet to quickly check what date we were changing (yeah, imagine that), we’d end up either early or late for church on Sunday because we never knew. Now, with my Esperanto study? My friend just moved back to the States. So, we have time zones to consider and DST. Because where he lived previously, they hadn’t changed yet, but where he is now, they did, and so did we, and they were different. So this afternoon, we’re sitting here trying to puzzle…

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