2023 at Turtleduck Press

You may have noticed that things have been a little quieter around here this past year. Your intrepid authors have been dealing with home repair crises (if anyone breathes the word “plumbing” in KD’s vicinity, she’ll send the piranhas after you). Also, family crises, health crises, the occasional good thing that doesn’t involve our computer keyboards, and… *gestures wildly* you know, all that distracting stuff that keeps happening in the rest of the world. The more Life happens outside our heads, the harder it is to get into our heads and make the stories happen. So it’s a wonder that we’re all still here and cracking jokes, but we are. And occasionally we’re even writing stuff! In 2023, we released one long(er) work of fiction for sale as an ebook, my own Voice of the Sea, featuring a post-fossil-fuel world, clashing worldviews, and a certain undersea fairy tale. Oh, and lots of ocean descriptions, just because I can. (Any guesses as to which ocean?) Kit kept the lights on at TDP the rest of the year by releasing a fantasy serial, Across Worlds with You. Look for the latest installment, number 8, next week! Erin has been writing (and publishing!) poetry elsewhere, and KD did NaNoWriMo for the first time in…a while…so creative things are happening — just not always things that are measurable in TDP publications. Thanks for hanging in there with the four of us. We’ll be here, plugging away, one page at a time. After all, that’s…

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2020 at Turtleduck Press: A Year Like No Other (we really, really hope)

Well, THAT was a year, huh? Let’s hope we don’t see another one like that anytime soon. (Hear that, 2021? We’re watching you…) Dear readers, you might have imagined us here at TDP living the life of luxury enjoyed by illustrious authors such as ourselves, lounging on a beach in an undisclosed location with our toes in the sand, our only worry how to balance a laptop and an umbrella drink in a hammock…wait, where was I? Oh yes. Sadly, I must destroy your–ahem, my–happy illusion. 2020 sucked for us, as it did for the rest of the world. There were day job issues and health issues and politics and a little thing called a pandemic that sent all of our preexisting mental health issues through the roof. I spent most of the year alternating between comfort reads and post-apocalyptic stories that, weirdly, made me feel a bit better. (At least we’re not living in the world of Fury Road. Um, yet. And even if we were, we could still band together to overthrow the…where was I?) As you might have guessed, it wasn’t our most stellar year as a publisher. We did manage to put out The Best of Turtleduck Press, Volume II to celebrate having somehow made it to our 10th year of existence. (Here’s Volume I, in case you missed it.) We’re still publishing monthly short stories and serials and weekly blog posts. But we fell a bit short of what we did in, say, 2019 (and,…

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2019 at Turtleduck Press

Happy 2020, faithful blog readers! Here’s hoping you’ve had some time off (check), are feeling rested (well, I was until I finally caught the death!cold that’s been going around, and I still can’t sleep a full night without coughing), and are heading into the new year with at least a tiny bit of optimism (check). We’ve had a busy year here at Turtleduck Press writing stuff for your enjoyment… We returned to the world of our fantasy novel City of Hope and Ruin with an anthology called Love Shines Through, featuring romance stories from not just Kit and me (the authors of the original novel) but also KD and Erin, who kept asking us hard questions about the world that they needed answers to in order to write their stories. (Note to self: next time, write a story bible or a wiki while you’re writing the novel. It’s much easier than doing it after the fact, when you’ve forgotten all the details.) The four stories have a wide variety of pairings, because that’s how we roll: two queer (F/F and M/non-binary) and two straight (M/F). Our full-length novel release for the year was by KD Sarge, a lighthearted fantasy adventure called Flame Isfree and the Feather of Fate, featuring a runaway elf named Flame, a party of adventurers on a quest for untold riches, a priest who won’t tell them where they’re going or why, and one very annoying ex-betrothed. (Free sample.) We’ve also been putting out free fantasy serials:…

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