2023 at Turtleduck Press

You may have noticed that things have been a little quieter around here this past year. Your intrepid authors have been dealing with home repair crises (if anyone breathes the word “plumbing” in KD’s vicinity, she’ll send the piranhas after you). Also, family crises, health crises, the occasional good thing that doesn’t involve our computer keyboards, and… *gestures wildly* you know, all that distracting stuff that keeps happening in the rest of the world. The more Life happens outside our heads, the harder it is to get into our heads and make the stories happen. So it’s a wonder that we’re all still here and cracking jokes, but we are. And occasionally we’re even writing stuff! In 2023, we released one long(er) work of fiction for sale as an ebook, my own Voice of the Sea, featuring a post-fossil-fuel world, clashing worldviews, and a certain undersea fairy tale. Oh, and lots of ocean descriptions, just because I can. (Any guesses as to which ocean?) Kit kept the lights on at TDP the rest of the year by releasing a fantasy serial, Across Worlds with You. Look for the latest installment, number 8, next week! Erin has been writing (and publishing!) poetry elsewhere, and KD did NaNoWriMo for the first time in…a while…so creative things are happening — just not always things that are measurable in TDP publications. Thanks for hanging in there with the four of us. We’ll be here, plugging away, one page at a time. After all, that’s…

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2022 at Turtleduck Press

Around this time last year, I wrote: looks around wildly Was that a year? Or was it a millennium? Did anyone see where it went? Or are we still living in it? WILL WE EVER ESCAPE? starts humming “Hotel California” Well, here we are again, and to be honest, I still feel pretty much the same way. But some period of time must have passed, because there are more stories on this site than there were last year. Because of *gestures wildly* you know…all that…we only released one work of full-length fiction in 2022, but it was a good one: Kit Campbell’s haunted-boarding-school novella Hallowed Hill, featuring a mansion in the woods, a teenaged orphan looking for a fresh start, unsettling graffiti, archrivals, and more. We also posted lots of free fiction and the occasional poem, including new installments of: …and more! We’ve reluctantly cut back on the number of free stories in order to focus our limited energies on other things, but we’re still blogging for your entertainment every week right here at TDP. Looking ahead, we’ll be releasing a cli-fi novelette by me in the spring, and we’re working on other projects in the background that will be revealed in due time. Stay tuned!

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