The Non-Writing Life

  I finished the major edit of my new novel Friday night. (Honesty compels me to admit it was actually Saturday morning before I sent it off, midnight having come and gone.) I re-wrote a short story introducing the main characters over the weekend, for posting March 1st. Then last night I caught up on all the homework I hadn’t been getting done through the last frantic week of the edit. Tonight I’m…not bored, exactly. I have plenty of things needing doing, and I’m working on them. I guess “restless” would be the word. There’s a reason that writers write, you see. It’s fun. It’s intense. It’s addictive.

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Plans are Fun!

  So due to my youthful indescretions of taking more courses than I could handle way back when (I’m a wild woman, I tell you!) my college financial aid was denied this semester. As with all things bureaucratic, an appeals process exists. Part of it is to lay out a plan to get your degree. Class by class, what will you take to fulfill each and every requirement, and do it in a decent amount of time? Umm… Luckily I had an advisor to help me. Here’s how the conversation went.  

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The Year of Finishing Books

Ah, do you smell that? It’s the scent of a brand new year, full of promise and hope and unicorns. Now, dear reader, are you like me? Do you feel compelled to finish a book you start, no matter how bad it is? Do you feel the need to push on to the bitter end which, invariably, takes forever because sometimes you’d rather do anything else than read another godforsaken sentence, but you feel you must press on?

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2012 at Turtleduck Press

2012 has been a very busy year for all of us here at Turtleduck Press, both personally and professionally. We’ve been up and running for just over two years now, and we’re starting to find our stride. This year we released three books: Queen’s Man by KD Sarge, another installment in the loose series of SF romances begun in Knight Errant and continued in His Faithful Squire Fey Touched by Erin Zarro, a genrebending tale about genetically engineered fey Seasons Eternal, an anthology about a world where the seasons have stopped changing, with stories by Kit Campbell, Siri Paulson, KD Sarge, and Erin Zarro, edited by Siri Paulson We’ve also continued to release free SF/F/H short stories every month that we don’t have a new book for sale. 2012 also saw a spiffy new look for our website, courtesy of our webmistress, KD Sarge. So what’s in store for 2013?

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