A Rare Snow Day

In most of Southern Arizona, snow is a rarity and a delight. A few years ago, the main school district here had its first ever snow day–and no one in admin or the state knew how to handle it. They didn’t want any buses going over any bridges (ice! ZOMG!) but they didn’t want to cancel school because we don’t build snow days into the schedule here. It would have thrown EVERYTHING off. So they ended up having a four-hour delay, and by then no one was coming to school. I think we got about fifty kids total, out of eight hundred, who had shown up before the district decided what to do. They spent the morning playing in the snow. Now that I own my home, I’m aware that hoping for snow (and obvi, the cold weather that comes with it) is a silly thing to do. Citrus trees like I have in my back yard do not love snow. The new trees that I had planted back in November aren’t ready for snow. Heck, the mature, huge palm trees in the front yard aren’t big fans either, I’m sure. The last struggling tomato plant of my garden, with about five green tomatoes still clinging on, is not going to do well in snow. (And, worse, the 29° predicted for tonight.) But it’s so pretty. This morning driving to work, the Catalinas were white all the way to the foothills. The Rincons too, when I could see them beyond…

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Oof, I Say

Last week, Siri expressed her hope that 2021 would be better than 2020. And then the next day happened, so that hope’s already been shattered. I’d like to say I’m surprised, but I’m really not. I recently went back and looked at my posts from late 2019/early 2020. I was so optimistic, so ready. I had so many plans and was looking forward to getting them done. And then 2020 happened. I’ve wanted to be excited about it being a new year, but I haven’t been able to get up the energy to. I did eventually come up with goals for the month and year (like, late on the first), but I haven’t really acted on them. (Part of that has been because I have a client edit that’s taking up most of my time. Part of that is that I’ve got an Among Us tournament that starts tomorrow, so I’ve been practicing that so I don’t embarrass myself. I mean, I probably will anyway, but here’s hoping.) Do you feel that? Just…vaguely apathetic? I want to be doing things. I have lots of things I want to get done. But actually doing them…it feels like too much, sometimes. I’m hoping I’ll feel more into things once some of my current commitments finish up. Or maybe the world will get its act together. Anyway, how are you? Any tips?

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2020 at Turtleduck Press: A Year Like No Other (we really, really hope)

Well, THAT was a year, huh? Let’s hope we don’t see another one like that anytime soon. (Hear that, 2021? We’re watching you…) Dear readers, you might have imagined us here at TDP living the life of luxury enjoyed by illustrious authors such as ourselves, lounging on a beach in an undisclosed location with our toes in the sand, our only worry how to balance a laptop and an umbrella drink in a hammock…wait, where was I? Oh yes. Sadly, I must destroy your–ahem, my–happy illusion. 2020 sucked for us, as it did for the rest of the world. There were day job issues and health issues and politics and a little thing called a pandemic that sent all of our preexisting mental health issues through the roof. I spent most of the year alternating between comfort reads and post-apocalyptic stories that, weirdly, made me feel a bit better. (At least we’re not living in the world of Fury Road. Um, yet. And even if we were, we could still band together to overthrow the…where was I?) As you might have guessed, it wasn’t our most stellar year as a publisher. We did manage to put out The Best of Turtleduck Press, Volume II to celebrate having somehow made it to our 10th year of existence. (Here’s Volume I, in case you missed it.) We’re still publishing monthly short stories and serials and weekly blog posts. But we fell a bit short of what we did in, say, 2019 (and,…

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