Let’s Talk About Esperanto

I’d rather talk about Esperanto than the pandemic, wouldn’t you? Yeah, I thought so. I’m hesitant to call this fluff because I take languages and linguistics seriously, but sure, for the sake of continuity, we shall call it fluff.  So, if you’ve been around these parts awhile, you know that I’ve been learning Esperanto for quite some time. For a bit back in 2012-2013 through Memrise, and then more recently through Duolingo. And wow, I am actually able to converse — kinda sorta — now.  I’m nowhere near fluent, though, so let’s not get too excited. So I’m in a group on Facebook for Esperanto Duolingo learners, and an opportunity came up to take an actual class in it. A class, guys. I was ecstatic. I mean, there are Esperanto events and things happening — although I think they were either canceled or went virtual due to COVID — but this was the next step. One thing that was always suggested in the group was to supplement your Duolingo learning with other types of learning. And I’ve always been awesome at reading and writing and abysmal at pronunciation.  Same with French. Got all As, took Honors classes in high school, but could not pronounce it well. But damn could I write and understand it.  So I knew this was going to be quite the challenge. And a bit uncomfortable, as there were only five students in the class. Our instructor is a really nice guy, and funny, and easy to…

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More Fluff: Bad Poetry Project

To continue the “fluff posts” I’ve been writing for the past few months, I wanted to talk in further depth about the “bad poetry” I’ve been writing. Last time I mentioned it, I hadn’t actually started writing it yet. I’d been contemplating it, because I wanted to get back into writing poetry again without the pressure of writing perfect prose, the perfect turns of phrase, the perfect imagery. I was (and still am, to be honest) scared to write “wrong” that I wasn’t writing at all. But what is “wrong,” really? A poem is simply a feeling, imagery, an idea, put into some kind of verse (or non-verse), right? There’s really no wrong way to write it, technically. Sure, there’s rough poetry, and there’s awkward writing of beginners who need to hone their craft —like yours truly once did once upon a time—but usually it’s not “bad” per se. But calling my poetry now “bad poetry” gave me the freedom to play. I actually write at the top of every document “Bad poem” and the date. Really! Because that told me and my brain/muse that this was just pretend, I’m playing right now, it’s not a big deal, it doesn’t have to be pretty…and it set me free. Granted, these poems aren’t great literature. They probably wouldn’t win any awards. They might be publishable with some massaging. (Which I am considering). But it’s been fun, and it’s helping me keep my hand in creativity during this time when I am…

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Get Your Fluff On

In the past month or so, I’ve been working very hard not to get depressed, or panicked, or preoccupied with COVID-19 stuff. I figure…it’s everywhere, so why don’t I carve out a mental space where it isn’t? So, like last month, I’ve been doing Fluff. What is Fluff, you ask? Fluff is exactly what it sounds like. Fun stuff. Goofy stuff. Funny stuff. The mental equivalent of jello and popcorn. One rule: It can’t be SERIOUS. And God forbid, no pandemic! (Only exception: Pandemic parodies, because, well, they’re parodies. That’s fun and funny, right?) So here’s my list ‘o Fluff: Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart miniseries – Okay, okay, okay. I’d never dream of watching this any other time, but combining music, romance, and drama together? Sign me up! That’s like the definition of Fluff right there. And, oddly enough, I’ve actually been enjoying it. (I think we’re in an alternate universe somewhere). Romantic comedy novels – I do read these anyway, but I’ve been trying to read more right now. I’m about to start a boxed set about three friends who make a marriage pact only to be thwarted by a fortune teller who predicts that their weddings will be disasters. Sounds fun! It’s called The Wedding Pact Box Set by Denise Grover Swank And, in a similar vein, I am plotting my own romantic comedy novel. So take that, pandemic! Chantix Turkey commercials – Okay, this is more my hubby and me, but what the hell, might as…

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